You May Be a Pharisee if......

10/05/2015 05:52

1. You often use the term "stumbling block". I have spent 20 years in the church and those that want to limit the freedom that was bought by Jesus Christ in his death and resurrection often site this phrase. I have yet had explained to me how someone who professes Christ that say chews tobacco, drinks wine with dinner, overeats,(Guilty!) works on Sunday(Guilty!) etc causes someone else to lose their faith in Christ. Of course, I believe that God does not want us to be so influenced by these vices such that these habits control our thoughts and behaviors. But it seems like as long as someone did these things when no one is looking, according to this logic, God would be ok with these "sins". Heaven forbid that a new believer would see that a seasoned Christian had a glass of wine with dinner, they may get the idea that loving Christ is not a list of rules that need to obey but a relationship that grows and molds one to be more Christ-like. Let's have an honest discussion of sin and those sins that have been made "acceptable" to the modern American church. Is it OK to lie to the government in the running of your business in order to not pay taxes? Is it OK to speed on the highways? Guilty! Is it OK to lie about your income to get credit? Speaking of credit - is it OK to borrow money to buy a boat or camper or other unnecessaries? Of course, most of these things are not seen by the new believer so cannot be a stumbling block. Therefore, they are fair game.  Every freedom that is bought with Christ should be disciplined so that it does not lead a new believer to abuse that freedom. However, to rebuke others that they are a stumbling block is tricky territory and should not be used as a new set of ceremonial laws.

2. You don't think you have much to ask forgiveness for. You find yourself in a Sunday school class on prayer and someone goes over the ACTS acronym for prayer and you realize that you are pretty good at the A, T and S but can't remember the last time you did the C ( confessions). (Guilty!)You think you are basically a pretty good person.  When the pastor's sermon leads you to look around the church to see if that person is there that really needed to hear what he is saying is here today. Even Paul said, "Why do I do the things I do not want to do." God's standard is so high that if I reflect on my behavior and thoughts over the last 24 hours, He will lead me to confess. The key is IF I do this - Why do I not?! 

3. You question the faith of those that socialize with unbelievers. Matthew 9:11 "Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?" We are in the world to be light. Light in a bright room does little to change the brightness of the room. Light in a dark room changes everything.

4. You point your finger at others for little things. Matthew 12:2  - the Pharisees accused the disciples and Jesus pick some grain to eat. This is one of the hardest things for me. Do I have a log in my eye and am pointing out the sliver in anothers? That person hasn't been to church in awhile. That person doesn't help with things at church. That person this and that person that. Does it make me feel better to find fault in others? (So guilty) This is why people have a bad taste for church. They don't want to go to church because they feel judged. Sure we must have standards but we cannot forget grace. Circumstances affect others behaviors and we do not know those circumstances. I pray that I can have more grace.

As I write this it occurs to me that I must admit that in several cases I am a Pharisee. The Pharisees crucified Jesus 2000 years ago. To act like one is a terrible charge! This pharisical (is that a word) behavior is no joke. Thank you Jesus for opening my eyes!