What to Celebrate this Christmas?

12/05/2014 06:43

I have heard it already this season, "I hate Christmas". What? Who could hate Christmas? I can understand that one can hate what Christmas has become. We cannot change how the entire country treats Christmas, but I can choose to sit back and love Christmas for what it truly means. I am not angry with those that say "Happy Holidays" or "Season's Greetings". I just know that is what I should expect. Talking about Jesus is not popular. People do not want to hear about Jesus and then smack dab in this wonderful season of festivities someone put "Jesus". Are we celebrating Christmas or are we celebrating some generic holiday or season?

Many no longer know why we celebrate Christmas. "It is a family tradition". "I love getting gifts". " I love giving gifts". " It makes me feel so good to bake for my family"."It feels good to put money in the kettle." " It is a time when the crazy world is kinder." " My family gets together to spend time together."

All great reasons to hold a celebration. But this Christmas, I choose to slow down and be in awe that the God of the Universe sent His precious Son to Earth to fulfill a promise He made in His wonderful plan. Many scoff and say  "that doesn't make sense." Why make the rules then know we will break them?  Then give up your most precious (a part of yourself) in order to forgive us - the rebellious, the ungrateful, the mean-spirited, the murderers and the thieves? 

What system would be better? To look past all transgressions and love everyone even if they never acknowledge he exists and never learn from a loving Father's discipline? I think we know how we feel when someone gets away with hurting us with no consequences. We want justice. We also know that  those that hurt us will not change unless they do suffer consequences for what they do?

God is just, God wants us to grow. God wants us to learn about a love that  loves enough to mold us into better beings. Beings which love each other as much as we love ourselves. The standard is high and He knew we could not do it on our own. Trying to be good enough is impossible so He carefully set in motion - Christmas.

This season try to forget all that "religion" has taught you. Pick up the real story and move past Jesus birth. He came to Earth, He taught love, He showed love. And in the end He offered Himself willingly like a lamb as a sacrifice ( a penalty) for all the things that man has done. A way for imperfect man to have a relationship with the Father whose ways are above our ways. His crazy form of justice. We are forgiven not by anything we have done.We don't get the punishment we deserve, someone innocent has paid it. That is the most wonderful gift. After that gift, how do I give back? Love, fellowship, worship, growth. Not perfection.

Christmas has been hijacked by materialism. Christianity has been hijacked too. The gospel is Christ's message. The lesson is love God and love each other. Get to know Him better from what He says - the Gospel - not what someone, including me is telling you.

Honor Christ this Christmas --JOY   PEACE   LOVE----- Because of Him.