I need a helper

08/12/2014 07:07

"And the Lord God said, "It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him." Genesis 2:18

I made my second trip to Camp Daniel at the end of July. It is magical, spiritual, unique and wonderful place. It is nothing like I have experienced before. God teaches me many things while I am there and I highly recommend to anyone to give yourself away for 1 week to another person. Give God a chance to teach you. 

When we arrive at Camp Daniel we have about 20 hours to prepare for the arrival of our campers. Campers are from 7 - 70 years of age. They have a wide range of disbilities (mental and physical). They are vibrant, loving, feeling, emotional, and yes, they need help. We are prepared for our particular assigned camper the night before. All of the campers have special needs that their counselor must assist them with while they are at camp. Many campers have attended camp yearly for numerous years. It is great to talk to their previous counselors to learn of the camper's particular needs/ desires which cannot be covered on paper. 

We attend chapel as a group of eager counselors. Our speaker Tony, speaks from the heart - what does God want these people, who have gathered to give themselves to service this week, to learn? Tony spoke from Genesis 2:18. One of God's first discussion with Adam was that it is not good for him to be alone. Adam needed a helper. God did not say a mate. He said a helper. This week our campers are going to teach us how important companionship is. These campers have lived with disabilities for decades. They need another person to help them with many things you and I take for granted. I like to be in control. I like to have companionship but I do not like to be needy. I am so thankful that God, who knows each and every one of us, recognized this need and provided for this need. We are created in His Image. I don't think of God as needy but he created us for companionship.

When our lives are facing the end, what will you remember? What will you cherish? Companionship? Relationships? The question I must ask myself, will I let others in. Will I recognize that I cannot do it on my own. I need others and they need me. I see my camper and other campers at Camp Daniel and they are not too proud to ask for help. They ask for it and you know, I am honored to be able to help them. Too many times we ( the proud control freaks) keep others at a distance which does not allow the relationship to grow. If you are hurting or just need a hand - please reach out to someone else for help. You will be doing them some  good. You will be fulfilling God's plan for our lives. Working together to love one another just as Christ loved us.