
Sacrificial Giving

02/08/2013 06:25

"For whoever sees the need of his brother, and yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?" 1 John 3:17

My Sunday School class is studying "Radical" by David Platt. I read this book 2 years ago in of all places on a cruise ship. Talk about the Lord being providential. I was at a place of ridiculous extravagance and I was reading about living a radical life for Christ by giving sacrificially out of thanks for what God has done for me. This is a life changing book. I highly recommend it to anyone. 

The question then comes to "what is sacrificial giving?" We in America are rich. Compared to the rest of the world and people in the history of the world, we are rich. Our idea of giving is to give our clothes that aren't really worn out but outgrown or no longer in style to the Salvation Army. We give 10% of our income to church or charities. Giving but giving our excess. Is that the giving Jesus talks about in the New Testament?  In fact, Paul praises the Macedonians that had much for giving, so that those that had little, had much. Sounds a little like socialism to me. But I think not, people from their own hearts gave sacrificially to those that were in need. They gave up luxuries and extravagance so that their neighbors would not suffer. Read more in 2 Corinthians 8. Paul had not commanded that these believers give sacrificially. They did this out of love. They could see that Jesus gave sacrificially and we are to live like Christ.

But how does that look to us? Does that mean we live in a shack with bread and water? It is a tough question. I propose that we don't throw out this teaching of Christ and say it is impossible but we feel the conviction to change our lifestyle to at least try to live sacrificially. When I am confronted with desire to buy and consume for myself as I turn away from the needy, I will ask myself, "Does my response glorify me or glorify God? Will the world see me in this or will they see Christ?" I believe that this is going to be a difficult task for awhile and yes, I will fail. But, I think I should keep trying and over time, I will just bet that Jesus keeps His promise and blesses the obedient. For He has told me to come to Him and He will give me rest. His burden is light, His yoke is easy. 

Born again?

02/02/2013 05:52

John 3:5 " And Jesus said," verily, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again."

I began a new bible study this week led by my pastor's wife. The first question of the first study guide said," when did you get saved?" To many of us, we have heard that question dozens of times over our lives. For others, it seems totally intrusive and strange. When I was younger, this would have offended me. I went to church every week as a young person. I knew the stories better than anyone I knew. Yet, I never thought that "being saved" was something Jesus desired of people. I think I thought Jesus meant being saved from a hard life, from being a bad person, from destitution and pain. Jesus' whole point was love. If i loved those around me and treated everyone well. My life would be better. 

Nicodemus was a lucky man. He had the opportunity to visit Jesus and ask him. "How can someone be born when they are old?" John 3:4. Is this not the question doubters ask those of us who use the term "born again"? Are there not scoffers out there that think this is a term that Bible thumpers have made up. That is what I thought as a young person. I look back now and think why was I so blind? Why did I think I knew it all when the Truth was right there? I could say the Bible isn't true but I couldn't deny that Jesus had said that you must be born again.

So how does one become "born again?" According to John 3:6-8, be born of the Spirit and no one knows where the Spirit blows. It goes where it pleases and it is with everyone born of the Spirit. Jesus speaks like a mystery and to find the Truth one must read more than a few verses and as I now believe -  be blessed by God's calling to understanding. But I also believe if you truly seek, you will find the Truth. In this same passage Jesus takes Nicodemus back to Moses and the pole with the serpent on it. The people needed to look upon the serpent in order to be healed. Jesus pulled from the Scriptures this Pharisee would know - the key is focus on the Savior and you will be healed. That seems too simple but that was the promise and I believe it.

This simple Truth is followed by the most famous verse in the Bible "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16.  And I look on to verse 19: "This is the verdict, Light has come into the world but the people loved the darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil." Followed by 21, the promise:" But whoever lives by the truth comes into the Light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done is done in the sight of God." What have these truth-livers done?    Looked upon that "serpent on the pole" and obeyed.


Persecution vs Glorification

01/28/2013 07:07

"All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the Glory of God."    

2 Corinthians 4:15

This morning my hubby asked," Do you think whenever we don't glorify Christ, we persecute Him." My initial response was," no, I don't think persecution is the opposite of glorification." He knows I can't just let those things go." What are you reading?", I said. He was reading Oswald Chambers today and Chambers can often be so challenging as to turn the squeamish away. After reading it, I sat down to scour the scriptures to prove Mr. Chambers wrong.

"Stubbornness and Self-will will always stab Christ," Chambers says. Ouch! How often do we just laugh off our stubborness and selfishness as our nature - the way we were raised. "Oh no one is happy if Momma's not happy." " I was a spoiled kid"  Do we think we are being cute with these statements? I certainly don't want Christ interfering in my life. I want my old habits and I want to spend my money on me - that's why I earn it.  Not only do we do things that persecute Christ unwittingly, sometimes we stand up and say it proudly ," I am going to stand up for myself and not get pushed around." I don't see anything glorifying God in any of this. Every time I say - or think- anything self centered or self glorifying, I cannot be glorifying Christ. I just didn't realize that I was persecuting Christ. Where is my thanks justified, in my own accomplishments or what Christ does through me. God gave me everything because of His grace and I take it and say,"I deserve it."

Chambers parting challenge is," All I do should be based on a perfect oneness with him....this will mean that others will use me, go around me or totally ignore me, but if I will submit to it for His sake, I will prevent Jesus Christ from being persecuted." That is a tough call to duty. If I become "smaller' Christ becomes bigger and what isn't more wonderful than that.

How much mercy?

01/20/2013 07:05

"Father forgive them for they know not what they do." Luke 23:34

Jesus says to be saved one must repent and believe the gospel (Mark 1:13). But what then. He spends alot of time outlining where we go from there. I know that works do not get us into heaven but the parable of the seed on the path describes people who heard the gospel and were excited about Christ but didn't truly believe. There are other examples in the New Testament that should cause us to question where we are with Christ. He says to take the narrow gate for wide is the road to destruction in Matthew 7:13. He says many will come to him and he will say," I never knew you." And these are the people that claim to do things in his name. As time goes on, I find more "expectations" Jesus has for his people. Today it  is forgiveness and how to forgive.

I have heard people say, "if they don't ask me for forgiveness, I don't have to forgive them." Jesus statement on the cross refutes that. He asked God to forgive those that had just crucified him. They didn't even know what they had just done. Sometimes people hurt us and they didn't even realize that they have hurt us. I am sure I have hurt people and I haven't even known I have done it. How much mercy do I have? How much mercy would I like to receive? God's mercy is limitless. For that I am extremely grateful. 

When I forgive people, sometimes it is hypocritical. God's forgiveness is not. God not only asks us to forgive but to love those that have hurt us. And I think He asks us to love them so much that our prayer for them is that they experience wholeness with God himself. That our enemy would be restored in their relationship as much as we feel God has restored us. Do I really feel that? If not then my claim to love my enemies which Jesus commands is filled with disobedience.  Disobedience is sin and I will face consequences as long as I have a loving Father that uses discipline to see his daughter grow. I should forgive those that hurt me not for my benefit. Not so I can " let something go" in order to feel better and move on. I need to forgive to show God's infinite mercy. To show others what I have received from God. To love those that hurt me so that they can hopefully, see Jesus' love through my true love for them . They make mistakes just like me and it is not my job to punish them with little snarks, and gossip and negativity until they know what they did. My job according to Jesus is to love them, pray for them. It is in that true love and forgiveness that we can more easily see what Jesus was trying to teach us.

Healing Wounds

01/15/2013 06:53

"Do not overcome evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing." 1 Peter 3:9

Some of the strongest stings come at the most unexpected times. Times when our guard is down. Life seems to be full of blessing and good. On top of the world, full of thankfulness, feeling grace abundantly all around. Then it comes - smack. Like a slap across the face. A reminder that although Christ lives in me, I live in a fallen world.  A single person can pierce through that peace with a few statements. I waver unstable on colt like legs of weakness. I respond in anger first. How dare someone disrupt my worship! Then I slump down in my pew hurt and disappointed in my response.

Okay, Paula, stop with the dramatics. Calm down. take a deep breath. Go back and read your blog from early November - what is stealing your joy? What are you allowing to steal your joy? Pray. Am I biblically right or am I just being selfish? If I am biblically right then the Lord is with me. I have nothing to fear. Perhaps God is using this exchange of unpleasantries not only to grow me but to grow the individual that wounded me. This other person is a child of God too. How can I be a blessing to her? Not just ignore the situation but be a blessing. 

The rubber meets the road. All the times when I say what I should do but I do not do it. Will I do it this time? What am I afraid of? The Lord is with me, the Lord is with me. If I am to be obedient I must bless this person. I am reminded of Matthew 11: 28-30." Come to me all who are weary and heavy burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you for I am gentle and humble at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Oh, to be like Christ. To be gentle and humble at heart. The Word has provided my way and that way is to be like Christ humble and gentle for Christ is with me.

New Testament in Old

01/10/2013 06:13

"Do not be like the horse or the mule,

which have no understanding.

but must be controlled by the bit and the bridle

or they will not come to you." Psalm 32: 9

Today, I was reading Facebook. I know, in my life FB is a real time killer. However, I get messages from certain Christian authors that are good. One writes a little prayer everyday based on a verse.Today it was a request for forgiveness based on Psalms 32:5. What a great Chapter, Psalm 32, a great vision into life under the Messiah not the Law.  Verse 1 "Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are forgiven. Verse 2" Blessed is the one whose sin the Lord does not count against him, and in whose spirit is no deceit." David knew what to yearn for. He knew before Christ what a blessing it is to have sins forgiven, and not only forgiven but forgotten. When we are forgiven there is no need for deceit. We are laid open for God to see. What a great body of Christ, that bride for the bridegroom we would be if we had absolutely no deceit to those who also trust Christ. 

Verse 3 and 4 - "When I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long. For day and night your hand was heavy on me. My strength was sapped like the heat of summer."Yes, that is so true, that groaning of my bones with unconfessed sins. David knew what the Holy Spirit would bring to us who live under Christ.  Then the promise of the next few verses. "Then I confessed my sin to you, and did not cover up my are my hiding place, you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverence." From confession comes God's protection. Do I trust Him to deliver me? Is that not the question of faith? Do I have enough trust that the Lord will protect me no matter what comes my way as consequence from my sin? Will he "never leave me nor forsake me?" Not so I can go on sinning and have no consequences but that the Lord will be in those consequences. And through the Lord's great forgiveness I will delight in songs of deliverance - thankfulness for His great mercy.

Verse 8 -"I will instruct you and verse you in the way you should go." There is the promise. I will instruct you. Learning! The Lord will teach me if I confess my sin and I trust Him! I am here to learn, sliced open by my confessed sin and ready to learn and grow because I trust that the Lord works all things for good.

Verse 9 - "Do not be like the mule with no understanding."Do not be a stagnant Christian, not learning new Truths through His Word! If you are  controlled by the bridle you are not free! The gospel in a Psalm written hundreds of years before Christ. First forgivness, then protection from the Father and finally freedom through the knowledge of His Word. How lucky we are that Christ came to Earth to provide the way for all to live in forgiveness and mercy and grace!



Giving Grace

01/07/2013 06:16

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Luke 6:31

Since Christmas I have been so excited about my faith. You know those times on the mountaintop when you are really "jazzed up" about Christ and feel like you can take on anything Satan sends your way. Why do I feel that way? I think it has to do with my devotion time. Kind of like a New Years Resolution, I have really focused on that "serpent on the pole" of healing as mentioned in Exodus. It is definitely the Lord's Promise that if we believers focus our lives on Christ, he will bless us with a peace that is incomparable. Writing also helps me stay focused so we will see what this New Year brings. Most of the time my Resolutions start to wain about week 2 of the New Year.

As I read every morning from God's Word, He often speaks to me in new ways even though I have read the same passages before. He also speaks to me through other people and circumstances for emphasis. Like a slap in the face - wake up! I have been awakened to my own sin as those that read this blog will know. But in the past week I was really angry about something a fellow believer said. Notice it is what someone said - the tongue is such a dangerous thing. Anger doesn't feel right and it has pierced my peace. Their statement had nothing to do with me, just was hurtful to someone I love - if that person had heard it. Things said might be true, they might not be true. Often if we talk to each other instead of in secret, we could see the explanation is understandable. That is what I would hope for things said about me. Give me a chance to defend myself. "Do unto others...." I also have repeated things to others without a care as to whether there was an explanation or not. And I didn't think how much it could hurt the other person. This is what grace is all about. Giving grace! Stop, look to the serpent on the pole of healing and remember how I can hurt someone with my tongue. Is it worth it? 

The Potter

12/29/2012 22:23

"Yet You  Lord, are our Father. We are the clay. You are the potter; we are all the work of your hand." Isaiah 64:8

My family just returned from a trip to Branson. MO. What I found there was not anything like I expected. Our first stop was Silver Dollar City. I had been there as a kid with my parents. Back when all that was in Branson was Shepherd of the Hills, Silver Dollar City and Baldknobbers.

This trip it was one of the coldest days in Branson for 2 years. This ended up being a real blessing. God works things in incredible ways. Because it was so cold we made our way around the park jumping into doors of the shops as we went along. My 3 kids and their guest stuck close by instead of the usual run amok in amusement parks. We darted into the area that held inspirational paintings. Within 10 minutes we had heard the gospel story told through the paintings loud and clear. I didn't even know places like this existed in modern America. I also noticed how no one was in a hurry. I noticed this because it began to irritate me. I had to admit, my upper midwest impatience was showing. Over the few days I was there I had to make a point of appreciating that these people took their time giving directions, asking about the weather, answering any questions we had. I need to learn patience.

A very good production of a musical version of "It's a Wonderful Life" entertained us and as we left the theater the sun was going down. We could see the thousands, probably hundreds of thousands of Christmas lights that decorated every building, sign, fence, bench, etc, etc. It was absolutely beautiful. I think it was even more impressive since we went in the theater in the daylight and left in the dark. Of course, the temperature had dropped several more degrees.

Just as we were about to head for the parking lot due to the cold temps we popped into the pottery shop. A sign indicated a demo in 5 minutes. We stuck around and a small older gentleman with a beard and long hair ( I think it is a requirement to work there) came out and gathered his supplies for throwing a pot. He really appeared to be a gentle man. No fanfare as the crowd gathered and he explained what he was going to make with a soft voice. A pie plate. He usually fashioned his based on the the kind his mother had. I am loving this! What a way of life. Quiet. Methodic, Stress-free.  As his fingers moved up to make the walls of the plate, I looked over and my 21 yr old son was grinning with mouth open wide in amazement. It was so fun to see him so impressed with this guys skill. 

No Christian could watch this demo and not think of the Potter and His Clay. The Silver Dollar City potter's first attempt had a slow start as the clump of clay sped off the side of the wheel. He explained that he hadn't slapped it onto the wheel hard enough to make it stick. Make what doctrine jumps you want here. I am not going to touch that. As he worked the clay he had to add alot of water to keep it pliable. I have read that the water could be like the Word of God. We need to add more if we are to be shaped into the product God wants us to be. His hands had more strength than I think it appeared. The Potter also controlled the speed of the wheel as he worked. The Potter controlled almost every aspect of this process. The clay had to remain pliable and able to be changed.

An audience member asked the potter if this was as easy as it looked. The potter said that people often remark that this must take alot of patience. He said he started as an 18 yr old and like most 18 yr olds he had very little patience. He then made a comment that I thought was incredibly insightful.He said, " I didn't have much patience. I just started doing pottery and before I knew it,  patience kind of just snuck up on me. I had learned patience." I don't know why that struck me but it did. Patience is a fruit of the Spirit. If we train at something, God will grant us the gift we seek. This potter had become the clay for the Potter. 

Like A Child

12/18/2012 06:23

"Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3-4

I have been thinking alot about children these days. I look upon the beautiful faces of those 20 children killed in Connecticut and think about what life is like for a 6 yr old. They had little time to be afraid. I heard one had said," I know Karate .Maybe I can help." 6 yr olds are full of wonder and willingness, beyond sensibilities. What happens to that attitude as we get older? The events of last Friday will probably forever change all the young children in that community. They will be inundated in the next few days, weeks, years with theories as to why this happened. Their childhood wonder has been taken from them. But we willingly gave ours away. We are continually giving it away.

 We do it with excuses and busyness. We are constantly keeping ourselves busy with projects ( thanks to Pinterest now), home improvement, planning for vacations and leisure. What would happen if we just stopped looking for ways to be busy and freed ourselves up to serve those around us. Are these projects and plans more important? How would our communities look if we said," Yes" like a child when asked to help with Sunday school, with Youth group, with the Food Pantry, with a local group helping children with cancer, with driving the elderly to doctors appointments.

Children don't constantly think of excuses why they can't do things. I think of the times my kids said I would bring treats or cookies to some event and I threw up my hands and said," how am I supposed to get that done with all I have to do?" But you know, as a mother, we just get those things done because we know our kids meant well. Now that my kids are grown, I make my own decisions when to " bring the treats" ( or any other opportunity of service) and I think we just find it easier or more sensible to say "no". Sensible is such a nasty word.

The verse above ( Matthew 18:3-4) is very convicting.  Jesus expects us to behave like children when it comes to Faith and service.Salvation is not of works but we should test ourselves. 2 Corinthians 13:5 says," Examine yourselves to see if you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus is in you? - unless indeed, you fail to meet the test." I  ask myself every evening, what have I done, today, to serve my King." Oh, yes, many days the busyness has led me to answer "no" but if I focus on Christ, He will be faithful and more days will turn into yesses.


12/12/2012 05:52

"but God, who is rich in MERCY, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses made us alive in Christ (by grace you have been saved)." Ephesians 2:4-5

Last weekend, the Lord began to burden my heart with the thoughts of His Mercy. I think I have studied grace inside and out over the years. I bet 10 times more Christian books have been written about grace than mercy. That makes sense. We all want to think about the gifts we receive that we do not deserve more than the punishment we do not receive that we do deserve. 

My mind kept thinking about a sin that I have alot of trouble with. One of the "Respectable SIns" Jerry Bridges wrote a book about. You know, those sins that seem to slip by in the modern church that are just accepted as human nature. Well, I began to feel very guilty for my repeated sinning, it had become a habit. I called out to God to repent for this sin and turn 180 degress from it. Not to just ask for forgivness one more time and then like a dog returning to its vomit find myself committing the same sin next week and repeating the same prayer of forgivenss.(see last weeks blog about repentance.) It struck me how merciful God is. Of all the sins I commit in my life and how God sees to it that I have not received the punishment I deserve. I am reminded of the eternal punishment for which He promises to save me from but what about the earthly punishment. Yes, He could choose for me to have earthly punishment for my sin. For which I am grateful because that would be deserved and I should grow from that experience for only loving Fathers discipline their children. But He also has chosen on many, many occasions not to punish me for those sins. I have escaped many earthly consequences I definitely deserved. Oh, I cried out in thankfulness on that day for the mercy I have received: so undeserved.

Yesterday, I visited the men's prison. I met men who had murdered, who had driven drunk and killed another, probably rapists -  I don't know. But they were just regular men, nothing menacing about them. They were kind and polite. Some will never leave that prison. They are forgotten people. However,  I wonder how many of us think -" there but for the grace of God, go I." I will not take for granted my freedom again. This  morning, I woke up and took the dog out at 5:30. The sky is dark then and the stars are so incredibly bright and I thought of those men who never see that night sky. That is what God's mercy is like. We deserve that prison but through Jesus we have freedom.

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